Integrated Management System Policy
At ENDA, our aim is to ensure the continuity of the company’s existence, protect
human health and values, achieve customer satisfaction, minimize risks, contribute
to sustainable development, and leave a clean environment for future generations.
In line with these objectives, our principles are:
- To enhance company performance and production efficiency,
- To provide high-quality products and services,
To effectively address customer expectations, complaints, suggestions,
and satisfaction, and to ensure customer satisfaction,
To promote, raise awareness, fulfill all requirements, and
continuously improve the integrated management system for all
stakeholders, especially our employees,
To work in compliance with Legal Regulations and other obligations,
To maintain energy efficiency at the highest level and minimize the
use of natural resources,
To protect the environment, respect humanity and the environment,
prevent pollution, reduce waste, and increase recycling rates,
To manage Risks and Opportunities effectively and efficiently. We
commit to these principles!
Integrated Management System Documents
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System